Piet Clijnk in 1965

biography method his work publicity contact


Perhaps you also have one of my grandfather’s paintings at home. Whether it be a similar painting to one I have already seen or a totally new work, it is equally important to me. If you do not live too far away I can visit you to photograph the painting(s) and to hear your story about it/them. If you live too far away for me to visit, maybe you can take photos and send them to me by email. Perhaps you knew my grandparents and can tell stories about them, these are always welcome!

Some of my father’s paintings are also in circulation. These can be recognized by his signature: H. Clijnk or Hugo Clijnk. All information relating to his work (which was also sold in my grandfather’s shop) is greatly appreciated.
To date, I have traced just one of my father’s paintings.

You can contact me via:

Caroline Clijnk
Henneland 47
1541NS Koog aan de Zaan
The Netherlands

Telephone: 06-55884114 (from outside The Netherlands dial 00 31 655884114)
For email click contact

For additional information about me and my company please see: www.asena.com